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every business
deserves access to

best-in-class marketing
at a fair rate.

This is why we exist.  The “traditional” social media & digital agency model was broken.  So we built a new one. 




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What makes Cyclone different?!

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OVER a decade of marketing wins



INC. 5000





Think oF Us As Your Marketing Department...



You require a skilled team of marketers who can optimize campaigns for maximum conversions.

Get your search and social campaigns profitable again

Transform visitors into loyal customers at every touchpoint, optimize conversions

Refine the customer journey, increase sales with streamlined funnels

Engage instantly with SMS, deepen loyalty with tailored emails

Craft standout creative, optimize ad spend with lower costs

Graphic design  |  videography  |  photography  |  UGC  |  email design


You need high-quality, platform-specific creative for optimal success. From email to social media, and website videos to TikTok, we deliver. With millions of views, impressions, and high engagement, we know how to optimize content best!

Post planning  |  analytics  |  Influencer  |  audience building 

Growth-focused Organic SOCIAL


Successful companies generate 30-40% of their revenue from organic sales. You need a partner skilled in organic strategies across social media, including navigating the algorithms and influencer collaborations.

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Design and schedule content using insights, trends, and algorithm navigation for maximum visibility and engagement.

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Track performance, interpret data, and fine-tune strategies with advanced analytics tools.

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Use our expertise with thousands of influencers to navigate negotiations and contracts, ensuring successful partnerships.

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Grow a dedicated follower base with targeted outreach, community management, and engaging content.

This is our






As founders and business leaders, we all know the struggle to achieve the growth we dream of.  Whether you’ve worked with agencies or freelancers who didn’t meet your expectations, or you’re trying to juggle your own advertising and feeling stretched thin, it’s tough.  The frustration, stress, and sleepless nights can be overwhelming.

I founded Cyclone Social because I’ve been in your shoes.  Our goal is simple: to help businesses like yours succeed.  Our team is experienced in digital platforms and dedicated to tackling the challenges you face. We’ve managed millions in ad spend, generated organic social engagements and impressions, and even have influencers on our team.

At Cyclone, we believe that great marketing should NOT be reserved for Fortune 500 companies. Our team is committed to providing top-notch marketing solutions to businesses of all sizes. We’re proud to serve companies from coast to coast, guided by values of compassion, competence, and consistency above self-interest.

We’re here to help you move past the cycle of uncertainty and achieve real, measurable success. We want to show you the difference a dedicated and talented marketing team can make.

Looking forward to connecting,

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Andrew Lamping
Founder/CEO, Cyclone Social


We offer a straightforward fixed monthly fee structure to manage your marketing services, providing you with access to our range of capabilities without limitations.

300+ Brands have worked with Cyclone

of all shapes and sizes

  • What does it cost?
    You’ll have two categories of costs for marketing: Fixed costs. Think of this like a salary. This pays for your marketing department. Our team’s strategy and execution (basically, our time and talents) are covered in this fee. Variable costs. These are things like your paid ads budget, influencer budgets, props/models for content shoots, etc. This is a budget you’ll put in place for Cyclone to manage on your behalf. We 100% will work with you to determine the correct budgets for all of these things. Rules of thumb for expenses? The “Management” fees will be like hiring a full-time person. We say to assume budgets will start around $5k/month for this and average in the $6-8k range. The “budget” is very hard to determine because this is fully determined based on revenue goals, ROAS benchmarks, profit margins, etc. We would never recommend hiring an agency if you don’t have at least $10k/month to spend on marketing. Under that amount your budgets are best used internally and not wrapped up in agency fees. When you are ready to move into a growth/scale phase, that’s the best time to bring in an agency for support!
  • Do you guarantee results?
    It’s a fair question! The short answer is “no” - it would be unfair to everyone if we put specific result guarantees in place. Unfair to your business because it would force us to do everything in our own best interest, NOT maximize results for you. Unfair to us because we cannot control every element of the business (product development, shipping/receiving, customer service, accounting, etc.) and these could all play into the total results. Instead, we do not lock you into long-term agreements. Our “money where our mouth is” offer is in these easy outs within our marketing agreements. If it’s not working, fire us. No hard feelings. But let’s work on accomplishing your goals as a team before we get to that point!
  • What does reporting look like?
    It’s our job to read the reports, digest them, and share the findings with you. A marketing agency sending out a marketing dashboard is like a Doctor handing you your medical charts and saying “here you go! Any questions?” - that is INSANE!!! Yet, the majority of agencies operate this way. We will build reports and reporting tools, and then sit down with you to recap everything. We will provide you written recaps of those analytics as well. Every report focuses on: What did we do? What did we learn? What do we recommend based on these results?
  • How much access will we have to your team?
    Every client is provided an Account Executive as their go-between to streamline communications. This is in the best interest of everyone. As much as you may want to talk to our lead digital strategist on a daily basis, could you imagine how much work that person would not be able to do for you if they were wrapped up in constant meetings? Their time is best spent managing your accounts. Our internal policy is that our Account Executives have a MINIMUM of three major meetings with clients. Weekly touch base - this is a set meeting to jump on a call at least once a week and recap anything happening. It just forces everyone to have a calendar event dedicated to marketing. Whether it’s 2 minutes or 20 minutes, these meetings are good to have in order to keep things moving. Monthly Reporting Meeting - this is a meeting to recap all reporting together. Quarterly Business Review - our Account Executive will pull in our leadership, your leadership, and really hone in on strategies together. This is a deep marketing meeting with a lot of new strategy, business conversation, and goal setting. On top of that, you can email, text, call anytime and work with our team!
  • How do you measure success?
    We set those benchmarks WITH you. However, it should all be related to data - not opinions. We look at your sales goals, sales numbers/analytics, and help identify company-wide goals then attach specific KPIs to those goals. We work with you to accomplish these and report on everything along the way.
  • Why wouldn't I just hire this in-house?
    First off, you likely already have. And you’ve either dealt with turnover (According to LinkedIn, 36% of all marketers shifted jobs in the last 12-months and the average marketer changes jobs every 23-months) OR you’ve dealt with limitations. An internal marketer or marketing team is AWESOME! We are here to fill the gaps in that team. The majority of companies who work with Cyclone Social have at least 1 full-time person dedicated to marketing on staff. The problem with only having a small team is the lack of unique skills. Think of it like a Swiss Army knife - if you need to screw something in, you would MUCH prefer a screwdriver and not the utility knife. That’s why our team has experts across the board in marketing. We work to fill any/all marketing gaps at a fraction of the cost of an internal team. A few other major value props: An agency gives you solidity in your marketing team. You won’t be turning over the internal marketing ever 1-2 years. We touch hundreds of clients. We can bring insight from all of these other brands and help point you in the right direction. We are partners with many top digital sites. We have reps at META and Google. We have agency support at Yelp, Shopify, Klaviyo, etc.


👋  Schedule a Meeting
Fill out the form and reach out to Cyclone Social. We will set up a call to dive into your needs and discuss your brand, pain points, and dream scenarios. 



🔥  Strategic Consultation

Our strategist will meet with you for a detailed discussion about your brand and initial thoughts/ideas that could be implemented. The goal is to ensure a good fit to keep the conversation going.



💻  Review Your Custom Proposal
After the initial call, we'll put together a proposal with pricing, logistics, and scope tailored to your needs.


📈  Develop a Quarterly Plan
Once the scope is agreed upon, we will create the initial plan. We work in quarterly plans, adjusting our marketing strategy every quarter based on your current needs and challenges. Our pricing remains consistent, treating our services as part of your team.


🚀  Onboarding + Launch
We will proceed with a short onboarding process, free of charge. You only start paying when the full service begins. As your partner, we focus on building and adapting the perfect plan for you.

How much do you plan to spend all-in on marketing per month?

Let's work together!
Book your FREE strategic growth consultation

Don't need a proposal? Just want to chat? Email us:

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"Choosing Cyclone Social as our social media agency partner was one of the best decisions I've made in my many years with Francis Ford Coppola Winery."

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Nick Agius

Francis Ford Coppola Winery

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